
Free AppleScript libraries and apps created with AppleScript Editor, Smile and with Xcode.
The libraries are here because they can be helpful in numerical programming. Most of the Mathematical functions can be used directly from Smile.
If you are not familiar with Smile, I'd strongly suggest you give it a try. Principally if you are going to do some "numerical scripting" with AppleScript.
I'll be constantly adding apps here. I might also work on improving the apps posted here.
All these apps are freeware!

Open source Libraries


  • Primos (find prime numbers and prime decomposition of composite numbers)
  • Num2Text (Get a number in written English, other languages coming soon)
  • Mortgage Calculator
  • Roman Numerals
  • Piecewise function grapher (uses Smile)
  • Permutations
  • NOTE: The libraries are currently available via Macscripter/Scriptbuilders website.
    Soon they will be posted here as well.